Mainstream Swatch and Review - Play Your Cards Right by SinfulColors

Nothing to Disclose

Hello lovely readers. Today I am reviewing the Play Your Cards Right collection by SinfulColors.

The Play Your Cards Right is one of several collections released by SinfulColors in Spring 2016. The collection is comprised of 8 polishes, including 4 new limited edition releases: Trump Card, Cash Game, Aced Out, and I'm All In. Today I will reviewing the 4 new releases.

Cash Game

This polish is a canary yellow glossy shimmer. The formula is quite nice. It self-levels and covers from the very first coat. Two easy coats its all it takes to become opaque. Shown below are 2 coats plus top coat.

cash game nail polish swatch by sinfulcolors
Cash Game by SinfulColors

Aced Out

This polish features multichrome microshimmer and dark metallic microshimmer in a blackened base. Like Cash Game, the formula is great. It just takes 2 easy coat to become opaque. The finish is not fully glossy but it is not matte. Shown below are 2 coats plus top coat.

aced out nail polish swatch by sinfulcolors
Aced Out by SinfulColors

Trump Card

This is an off-white glossy polish with subtle gold microshimmer. The shimmer is almost impossible to capture but it is there, and it is very pretty! The formula is a bit on the thick side and goes on streaky. Shown below are 3 coats plus top coat.

trump card nail polish swatch by sinfulcolors
Trump Card by SinfulColors

I'm All In

This topper features opalescent microglitter, black diamond-shaped glitter, and red metallic heart-shaped in a light lavender base. The microglitter can best be appreciated when worn over a dark base. The larger diamond-shaped glitters were not a problem to swatch but the heart-shaped glitters are difficult to retrieve. Shown below are 2 coats over Black on Black by SinfulColors. The diamond- and heart-shaped glitters were placed over Cash Game.

i'm all in nail polish swatch by sinfulcolors
I'm All In

Overall, I think this is a nice collection. I was surprised by how much I like Cash Game, as I am normally not a yellow polish kind of person! The standout of the collection is Aced Out. The color is unique, the formula is fantastic, and it looks great with both a glossy or matte top coat.

This collection is available at Walgreen's and it retails for $1.99 US.

Did you get this collection? I would love to hear from you!

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  1. I'm not huge into Sinful Colors but I do appreciate that they continue to bring out many colors at a very affordable price.

  2. I loooove Sinful Colors so much! I picked up Trump Card at first, and later I got I'm All In...(both still unworn tho)...

  3. I love Cash Game even if I know it wouldn't look good with my skin tone.

  4. Very pretty colors! I have quite a few Sinful Colors polishes, I really like them.

  5. I wonder how Aced Out compares to the UD color from a few years ago...I need it. For science!

  6. These are really pretty! I've actually gotten rid of most of my Sinful Colors, but these look wonderful! It's good to hear that their formulas are still great :)

  7. the grey is quite nice! sinful colors make one of my favourite white polishes ever for nail art, snow me white! :)

  8. Love that white with shimmer! Beautiful! <3

  9. Cash Game is fantastically bright! It's my favorite of these 4.

  10. Wow, love that yellow-gold! And your little accents are adorable. :)

  11. Cute collection!!!! I love that white, hate to hear it was thick. Do you think a good dose of thinner would help?

  12. OMG these shades are beautiful. I am looking for a great white and I think Trump Card is perfect! Simply stunning!!!

  13. I was also very surprised that I liked Cash Game (judging from your swatches, I don't own it). I have maybe 3 yellows in my collection because you sometimes just *need* yellow for a nail art look. Aced Out reminds me of Sinful Colors Secret Admirer, but from your bottle shot it is clear they are quite different.

  14. I really like Aced Out. I love Sinful Colors, but had to stop buying them. I went a little overboard. :)

  15. Gorgeous swatches! I need to get myself more Sinful Colors, it's been a long time since I've purchased any.

  16. Very pretty! I love how affordable and accessible Sinful Colors is!! :)

  17. I have to say, none of these catch my eye. Which is strange, at least one polish from every collection usually jumps out at me. Great swatches though!

  18. Oh, that topper with the cute hearts and diamonds is so pretty!

  19. I'm surprised at how much I love these all, that yellow oh my gosh!! Your swatches are so amazing!

  20. I can see people who aren't insanely into nail polish could be satiated with colours like these for sure.
