Nail Art - Animal Prints

On today's blog, I try to tame the animal prints!

multiple animal print nail art
I did this nail art for the #31DC2014 on Instagram. I used several polishes, techniques, and stampers. So, lets get started!

On my index fingers, I chose to do a giraffe print. To do so, I started with 2 coats of 'Anchors Away' by SinfulColors Professionals (SCP) as my base. I used 'Snow Me White' and 'Nirvana' by SCP and stamping plate QA25 from to create the spots.

giraffe spots nail art using anchors away polish by sinfulcolors
Polish shown is 'Anchors Away' by SinfulColors Professionals.

Next up is the zebra print on my middle finger. I started with 2 coats of 'Snow Me White' by SCP. I used an unnamed black polish and stamping plate m69 from to create the zebra stripes.
Polish shown is 'SNow Me White' by SinfulColors Professionals.

I chose to do a tiger print on my ring finger. To do so, I started with 2 coats of 'Big Daddy' by SCP. I used a makeup sponge to create a subtle vertical gradient using 'Coconut' by Fresh Paint. Last, I used an unnamed black polish and stamping plate QA25 from to create the tiger stripes.

Polish shown is 'Big Daddy' by SinfulColors Professionals.

Last but not least are leopard prinst on my pinky finger. For this, I started with 2 coats of Coconut as my base. I then brushed 'Anchors Away' on piece of Saran Wrap and lightly applied over my base. I used an unnamed black polish and dotting to create the spots. 

Polish shown is 'Coconut' by Fresh Paint.

Here are a 2 more looks at this nail art.

Well, another challenge conquered! I'm pretty happy with the way these turned out! I would love to hear what you think and as always, thanks for reading!

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