Indie Swatch and Review - Snow Fox by Vapid

Purchased by Me, Some Press Samples Featured

Hello there lovely readers! Debuting on my blog today is the new-to-me 5-free, cruelty-free, vegan indie polish maker Vapid. Continue reading after the jump for learn more about Snow Fox by Vapid.

Snow Fox was released as part of the Holiday 2015 collection. This polish is an off-white crelly that features metallic microflakies and a subtle holo microshimmer (best appreciated in the macro shots). The formula is a tad bit finicky (as most white crellies are, in my experience). Therefore, it is best to apply as thin layers with sufficient drying time in between layers as to avoid any bald, patchy spots. Shown below are 3 thin coats plus top coat. 
Nail polish swatch of Snow Fox by Vapid
Snow Fox by Vapid
Nail polish swatch of Snow Fox by Vapid

Nail polish swatch of Snow Fox by Vapid
Macro shot of Snow Fox by Vapid
Nail polish swatch of Snow Fox by Vapid

Bonus Nail Art
Snow Fox was the perfect canvas for my forest creatures nail art prompt for Instagram! I free-handed this design using Moonlight by Aurora Cosmetics (press sample, originally reviewed here) and Change Your Altitude (originally reviewed here) and Concrete Walk by China Glaze.

Overall, I love this polish! I don’t have anything else like it and I think the microflakies in the off-white crelly base make this polish really special.
Do you own any Vapids? I have lots of friends who rave about them and I now understand why!

Stay tune for more Vapid reviews and as always, thanks for reading!

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  1. Gorgeous polish!! I only have a couple Vapids, but I love them.

  2. I love the fox! I think that the flakies really stand out against the white background. Very pretty!

  3. Cute fox!! I've been obsessed with these delicate white crelly glitters lately! I want this one!

  4. Seriously pretty. I keep telling myself that I want to try this brand, especially because I live so close to the maker! (We are about 150 miles away)

  5. That fox is adorable. Love the polish!

  6. I LOVE your foxy nail art- so cute!

  7. Looks great! I really want to try this brand!

  8. People are really into this brand lately! I need to to check them out. Also, your nail art is adorable :)

  9. I've never tried this brand and Snow Fox really is lovely! Your fox is super cute!!!

  10. Such cute nail art, totally appropriate for the polish!

  11. So cute! Love the little fox. i enjoy Vapid but hate the crazy frenzy around getting them these days.

  12. I love your nail art. That's adorable.

  13. Love the subtle, weareable flakie, and your nail art is so cute and fun!

  14. Oh my gosh your nail art is so adorable! Ahh you did a fantastic job!

  15. Love this! Your nails are beautiful! !

  16. Love this! Your nails are beautiful! !

  17. I just got this and can't wait to use it. Your gray fox is adorable!

  18. I want this so bad! It's beautiful.
